Sergey Mazulev

iOS Developer | Indie Game Developer


Type Faster
Type Faster

Type Faster

iPhone, Jun '16 - now

Open sourced typing trainer app where user can practice by typing small texts in Russian or English languages.

  • Responsibilities: full development cycle, testing, destribution and marketing activities.
  • Technologies: iOS SDK 13+, Swift, MVVM-C, SOA, Dark mode, GameKit, Custom UI
Store Site Sources
45 Minutes
45 Minutes

Forty Five Minutes

iPhone, Dec '19 - now

"45 Minutes" is an app that helps to quit smoking, drinking or other addictions easily by doubling user goals. Starting with the first goal - to withstand 45 minutes. Created as small pet project to play with some modern APIs and ASO technics.

  • Responsibilities: full development cycle, testing, destribution and marketing activities.
  • Technologies: iOS 13+, Swift, SOA, SPM, SnapKit, GameKit, Local Notifications
AppStore WebSite
Sounds of words @ MyBook
Sounds of words @ MyBook


iPhone, Dec '18 - Dec '19

App that allows to use wide network of kiosks, where user can buy, sell and pay in crypto for various services.

  • Responsibilities: full development cycle, communication with designer, tester, backend and android developers, localization to 7 languages.
  • Technologies: iOS 11+, Objective-C, MVC-C, GoogleMaps, Lokalise, JSON API, WebSocket API (SocketRocket), Freshchat (support), Sumsub (KYC), Push Notifications, CommonCrypto
AppStore Website
Sounds of words @ MyBook
Sounds of words @ MyBook

Sounds of words

iPhone, iPad, Universal, Nov '17 - Oct '18

Audiobook subscription service. Two targets from the same code base: full version for everyone and limited for kids.

  • Responsibilities: Major refactoring. Player module shared as pod with another app. Crash free rate increased up to 99.9. Successfully released 20 versions during the year. Code review on another projects. Technical interviews.
  • Technologies: iOS 9+, Objective-C, MVC/MVVM, CocoaPods, CoreData, RestKit, AVPlayer, AirPlay, CarPlay, In-App Purchase, Subscriptions, Push Notifications
Full version Kids verison

NETsafebox | YellowSIM

iPhone, iPad, Universal, Feb '16 - Nov '17

Native wrappers for NETsafebox and YellowSIM web apps. Provides instant and secure access to the corresponding accounts. Unavailable in the AppStore since new Walledo service replaced two of this.

  • Secure credential storage in Keychain
  • PIN & Touch-ID based authorization
  • Native registration and password reset flows
  • Interaction between native and web app (JS-bridging)
  • QR-code scanning
NETsafebox YellowSIM
Electronic Textbooks
Electronic Textbooks
Electronic Textbooks
Electronic Textbooks
Electronic Textbooks

Electronic Textbooks

iPhone, iPad, Universal, Nov '13 - Apr '14

Educational app for russian schools made for Moscow state service aimed to change learning process into more modern and interactive way.

  • Responsibilities: made a prototype, developed initial architecture, participated in the design of API and UX, wrote technical docs, developed native wrapper around C++ core, developed textbook reader module
  • Technologies: iOS SDK 7/8, ARC, JSON, AFNetworking, Objective-C, C++, HTML, CSS, JS, Git
Mentions Youtube
Interior Doors
Interior Doors
Interior Doors
Interior Doors

Interior Doors

iPad, Nov '12 - Oct '13

App for interior doors manufacturer aimed to use in sales offices and showrooms. The core of the app is interactive interior constructor which let to preview available goods in different kinds of rooms. Application also includes the catalog of goods, shopping cart and special cms-mode.

  • Responsibilities: prototyping, app development, API design, UX design, resource packer development
  • Technologies: iOS SDK 8, ARC, Auto Layout, CoreGraphics, CoreLocation, JSON, AFNetworking, Objective-C, C#, .Net, Git
  • Distribution model: in-house (via sales offices and showrooms). Not available in the AppStore.

Game Development

iPhone, iPad, Android, 2017

Developed more than 10 prototypes of various game mechanics using different tools and instruments. Some of this prototypes will be released as a complete games for iOS and Android soon.

  • Responsibilities: developed playable demos using various technologies, organazied beta testing, wrote analytical reports.
  • Technologies: TestFlight, Objective-C, SpriteKit, GameCenter, StoreKit, C++, Cocos2d-x, Lua, Defold, Game Analytics, Fabric Analytics, Appodeal SDK, HeyZap SDK
  • Distribution model: in-house (across beta-testers)

Frozen Equilibrium

iPhone, May '11 - Sep '19

Original logic puzzle game with 5 star ratings and more than 300000 downloads worldwide. Released at 2011 for iOS 4+. Made with pure UIKit and MRC. Unavailable since Apple removed all non-retina apps from the AppStore.

  • Responsibilities: full cycle from prototyping to AppStore release and marketing events. Also developed Level Editor for Win Platform (C# / .Net).
  • Technologies: iOS SDK 4+, MRC, Objective-C, UIKit, Foundation, AudioToolbox, AVFoundation, C#, .Net


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